Why we Choose RVing versus Renting in a warm location. 

If you have not watched our first Youtube Video about why we are choosing to embark on the RV life Versus renting in a warm location you can watch it below.  This article is about our own personal reasons for choosing the RV Life.

A great deal of people love to vacation in warm places during the winter months here in North America. This is especially true in Eastern Canada.  Fellow Canadians save up all year round to be able to escape from 1 to 3 weeks a year during the coldest winter months.  Where we are located, in the province of Quebec, winter feels like it lasts from middle November to the beginning of April. (Yes we can get snow storms in early April). 

Needless to  say getting away from the freezing temperatures, icy roads and massive amounts of snow is a priority for a large amount of Canadians who can afford a warm destination vacation.

We have been taking cruises for the last 15 years. The fact that we get to visit and get a small "taste" of each warm destination was (and is) thrilling to us. For us cruising is like luxury backpacking. During the day we were out exploring and at night we came back  to great food and the excitement of a new destination. 

So why switch after all these years? There are a few reasons. 

1- MONEY  a) When want to leave winter behind us for more than 2 weeks at a time, cruising  during the winter months  can get quite expensive. b )Even simply flying and staying in a hotel in a warn destination is expensive. We tried reserving an apartment, condo or house down south, it cost in the thousands of dollars per month.  c) If we want to visit different locations we must rent a vehicle, pay for multiple shuttles or taxis. There are places that have great public transit but we will be stuck in a set area. We do not like being restricted when trying to explore an area. That need for freedom often costs extra money. (Unless our hotel and our vehicle transportation could be combined into one unit- a Class B Motorhome...wink wink) 

2- OUR FUR BABY- a) We have no children but our cute doggy Angel is our baby girl. We miss her extremely even when we leave for a few days, we want to start bringing her with us on our winter escape vacations... she hates winter too. (That is her down below, in the picture- depressed about having to wear a winter coat) Taking her on a plane is complicated because she is too big to be accepted as a carry-on and we refuse to ship her separately.   b) She is of a mixed breed, but she looks like a PitBull Type dog. Some airlines will not even accept her. Actually there are states that we can not even pass through, because we fear for her life. They have Breed Specific Legislation or better know as BSL. Our own province of Ontario has BSL and we will have to increase or drive by going into the USA, just to visit British Colombia, in our own country.  The problem with this law is that it judges dogs by their physical appearance and places the blame on the dog, when the owner should be responsible for his or her actions... ANYWAY- we will have an entire post about traveling with a pitbull type dog. I will just stop #2b there. 

3- FREEDOM- Having a mobile hotel, where we can park in a regular parking spot, have our own stuff with us with no worry of our doggy being accepted is very attractive to us. There is also the fact that we can choose to stay in a resort setting, in the city or in nature, all in the same vacation. This equates to freedom to us. We can travel quickly and jump around or take our time. 

4- WE DON'T KNOW WHERE WE WANT TO GO! We know that we want to escape the cold winter months, bet even though we have visited more than 20 different countries, we have not yet found a place where we want to "settle down." Thinking about picking 1 specific area to rent for an entire 3-4 months scares us. What if we spend all that money and HATE it! Sometimes you think you will like an area and you hate it. We went to Aruba and were really surprised that we rated it as "ok".. We looked the island of Curacao. But that island was not cheap! Anyway, there are soooooo many places we want to visit and discover that a class b motorhome looked like the best option.

5- WE CAN TRY THE RV NOW- You can not really try out your "resort" or" hotel" ahead of time. There is comfort in knowing the mattress is one that you picked, the pillows are your, that the sheets are properly clean, that you have your favorite gadgets with you etc... There is comfort in being able to have access and picking all these comforts now.

6- WE MAY ONE DAY BECOME FULL-TIME RVERS- The spending needless amounts of time and money maintain a home does not really interest us. The idea of selling everything and developing a mobile income stream, truly calls to us. What better way to know if we would like to full time RV than starting out as young snowbirds? Especially with Christina's health issues, create the life you want and live life to the fullest.

So these are our personal reasons for creating this website and embarking on this journey. We hope to create a diary of our adventure-experience, offer helpful articles and Vlogs and perhaps develop a digital income which is tied to our 20 years of industry experience in Health, Leisure and Recreation. 

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